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Bill C-36: An open letter to Canadian Senators

November 22, 2010 at 4:00 am · by josh · Filed under Health: General, Social Awakening & Sovereignty

Note from Josh: Please speak up on this issue, it’s crucial to all of Canada!! Here are some resources:

Dear Senator on the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology,

Have all of Canadian politicians gone mad? What the hell is going on? Do you really UNDERSTAND that if Bill C-36 is passed, Canada will just have taken one massive step toward its corporations (and thus citizens) being guilty until proven innocent? Does the Canadian judicial process and our very Constitution count for nothing anymore?

Please take a moment out, away from the niceties of the politician circles with all of the corporate agendas, and do an internet search for Dr. Shiv Chopra and Health Canada.  Dr. Chopra is just one of Health Canada’s outspoken critics who has endured much harassment from them, because he has proven – beyond doubt – that Health Canada is indeed corrupt to the core.  ARE YOU AWARE OF HOW CORRUPT HEALTH CANADA HAS PROVEN ITSELF TO BE?  THIS IS NOT “CONSPIRACY THEORY”, THIS IS FACT.  It is an organization committed to remove the remaining rights and freedoms we still have in this country, under the guise of “safety”. I implore you deeply to take time away from the rhetoric you have been fed by the corrupt Health Canada and its allies.

Are you aware that earlier this year, Marigold Pharmacy suffered an armed raid by RCMP officers and Health Canada agents, who arbitrarily seized $146,000 in natural health products?

Senator, d
o you think this is right?  Do you wish to grant more power to the organization responsible?

Are you aware that in 2009, Alberta Naturopath Eldon Dahl suffered an armed raid in his home by RCMP officers and Health Canada agents, guns-drawn and shouting orders, terrorizing his family, and seizing natural products from his home such as “folic acid”? Senator, do you think this is right?  Do you wish to grant more power to the organization responsible?

Are you aware that earlier this year, Health Canada agents participated in a guns-drawn raid of Rawesome Foods, a natural foods provider in California

Why would Health Canada agents be participating in an armed raid out of the country?  And why are we paying for this?  Senator, do you think this is right?

Secondly, in the first senate debates on November 4, Senator Wilfred Moore asked why this bill would specifically not be subject to review by Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations.  Senator Martin replied, “I am trying to remember the exact point. It would follow regulatory procedures. I will check on that and report back to the honourable senator.”

I hold this question in light, and re-state it again: Why is this bill specifically not subject to review by Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations?? Is it because it would be seen by the Committee as obviously dismantling critical elements of our Constitution, and be thrown out?  Have you all been paid off to sell us out, indeed to sell out Canada herself, and become mere agents of power-hungry corporations in a growing fascist state?

Bill C-36 is totalitarian by its very nature of circumventing the judicial system.  It ridiculous – and flat out scary – that you could even be considering to give a corporation like Health Canada more power to act on its whims and impose crippling fines and measures without having to prove anything in a court of law.

Please look into this matter deeply and consider the deep and far-reaching implications of the legislation your are considering in Bill C-36.  Fascism will not work for Canada.
You must be aware that without you speaking up, we are headed there rapidly. I ask you to engage your conscience and your own critical thinking on this issue.


Bill C-36: Now is the time to speak out to protect our freedoms!

Bill C-36: Now is the time to speak out to protect our freedoms!

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