I think I’m about burned out with the head-in-the-sand version of the new age paradigm. After years of exploration and observation, my current viewpoint is that it is quite possible that 90% of the jargon around the “2012 religion” is designed to get us out of THIS moment. That we should be located in the future, and either in anticipation or in fear (or both). I have had to admit to myself that we are being subtly bombarded with the directive to not be HERE NOW.
In any case, only by being HERE NOW, are we capable to act from the place of Creation — which is what is required to effect change in the morphic field around us, and in the shared field of this good Earth. Ask any artist: Creation happens only in the present moment.
Is there a shift happening? Yes. But the deployment of hive-minding strategies and pacifying/hypnotizing technologies is on maximum load at this time. And, especially in the “mainstream new age”, I observe that the level of cognitive dissonance* is at an all time high. In other words, it’s like it is now commonplace for human beings to hold as true two or more mutually-exclusive paradigms, at the same time – when by their nature they can’t both be true.
Perhaps it’s a natural progression from the invention of the atomic bomb: first they found a way to split the atom, and now the big project is to try to split the human psyche. Same old divide-and-conquer bag of tricks.
“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:8
On the other hand, if we engage our choice, and focus our intentions:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
And if we and channel our anger, like Gandhi challenged us to do:
“I have learned through bitter experience the supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Consciousness is fractal, and “oneness” necessarily starts from within.
So let us stop playing the double-mind game, and admit that we are not as “free from fear” as we would like to think we are. Who was it that said: Courage is not about trying to rid yourself of fear, but rather taking action in the face of it. Perhaps only by taking such action – acting directly in the face of fear – is when Spirit really has an opportunity to show up in our individual lives, and as a race.
And with Spirit so directly involved, Creation happens at the level which is required to awaken humanity and transmute the old paradigm of disconnected corruption, into one of shared joy and conscious creation together with Earth and all her inhabitants.
Tags: 2012, awakening, cognitive dissonance, consciousness, current events, hoax, love, mahatma gandhi, margaret mead, new age, obama deception, oneness, spiritual