“In the technetronic society the trend seems to be toward aggregating the individual support of millions of unorganized citizens, who are easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities, and effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
– Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970 (p 11)
More than four decades ago, flower power was still in swing while geostrategist Zbigniew Brzezinski was already envisioning the details in a control-based technetronic or “smart” society. As David Rockefeller’s co-founding partner in the globalist Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski drew upon works from the 1930′s known as Technocracy Inc to map out his Orwellian paradise. It’s curious how our “leaders” were able to so eloquently plan a structure of techno-control, decades before the required technology was ever invented.
Fast forward to 2012, and what we’re seeing is a so-called “smart” grid being forced upon an unwilling and awakening population. This issue is unfolding with great grassroots notoriety here at home with BC Hydro’s smart metering program, and also around the world. The utility-driven agenda is happening the same way everywhere: with a giant corporate slap in the face to the people, and to the very basis of democracy itself.
To be clear, if the people of BC and around the world allow smart grid installation, democracy will fall. However, tens of thousands in BC alone, and millions around the world, are pointing out the top-to-bottom lies and deceit that run through the smart grid program. Not the least of which is the idea that with smart meters, our power supply will be “more efficient”, “more reliable” and will help the environment.
In actuality, a) regions where smart meters have been installed have not reduced energy consumption (only increased cost to customer); b) it’s been demonstrated that the entire power grid will become vulnerable to being taken down by hacking; and c) there is a very strong indication that effects of such increased radiation has a profoundly negative biological impact on plants, insects, animals and human life.
On the positive end, the opportunity emerging from this crisis is a very real possibility for a complete shift to distributed, truly renewable energy – actually ending our addition to oil, coal, and nuclear energy. (Imagine that scope of change… does it bake your noodle?) Solutions such as these will be put forward in our upcoming BC-based film, Take Back Your Power.
In researching for the film, we have come across and verified many facts which one may find highly interesting, if not shocking. Here are 9 of them in brief:
- BC Hydro, currently about 60% through their province-wide smart meter installation campaign, has recently recalled 1000 smart meters due to their not functioning properly. In addition, hundreds of thousands of BC citizens have now received Hydro bills anywhere from 30% to 1000% higher, following smart meter installation – increases with no real justification. And as it now appears possible that none of these meters are measuring accurately, a possible scenario will be a complete recall of smart meters across the province, if public outcry continues to grow. In an unprecedented display of participatory democracy, there are currently 39 municipal governments in BC, representing a constituency of almost 2 million British Columbians, who have motioned for a moratorium on the installation of smart meters.
- According to BC Hydro’s figures, our cost in BC is approximately $555 per meter (not including future upgrades paid for by further rate increases or “billing anomalies”). In Quebec, where citizens now officially have a free opt-out option, the cost is $263.16 – less than half the amount. In Ontario: $232.56 each. And the cost in many US states is under $200 per meter, including in Idaho, where smart meter do not transmit wirelessly.
- BC hydro awarded a $73 million contract for smart meter installation to Corix Utilities. A senior advisor with CAI Capital Management, a major investor in Corix, is David Emerson. Yes folks, this is the very same David Emerson who scandalously accepted an offer from Stephen Harper to defect from the Liberal party, crossing the floor to become Minister of International Trade after the election in 2006. Emerson also just happens to be the executive chair of BC Transmissions Corp, chair of the BC Premier’s Economic Advisory Council, co-chair of the Alberta Premier’s Council for Economic Strategy, co-chair of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee, former chair and CEO of Canadian Western Bank, and on and on. (He must be extremely talented – and well-appointed.)
- In March’s Wired, Current CIA director David Patraeus actually admitted that governments plan to be spying on citizens through their “smart” appliances, and that we’ll be forced to re-think “our notions of identity and secrecy.” He went on: “Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters — all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing,” Petraeus said. This is a flat-out decimation of recognized privacy rights. source
- Researcher Angel de Fazio used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain critical documentation of a $298 million grant for smart meter deployment in Nevada. One of the two funding sources is identified as “US Armed Forces Research and Development Projects”. The US has acknowledged their longtime research programs around microwave radiofrequency radiation and its effects on the human body and mind, including a 1972 unclassified report released by the US Navy, which summarized 5 pages of line-by-line biological effects concluded at the time. The fact that military R&D is apparently involved in the deployment of smart meters is rightly raising some big questions. These two respective reports, including source documents, can be viewed at http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/12/08/smart-meters-being-funded-by-the-us-military and http://thepowerfilm.org/research/health.
- In a recent lawsuit in the state of California, Pacific Gas & Electric was required to supply information on how frequently each smart meter transmits wirelessly. By their own admission, the average meter pulses 14,000 times per day, each for 4.5 millseconds – every 6 seconds. Some meters, they admitted, pulse up to 190,000 times per day, or twice per second. Experts in spin, utility companies are fond of using a cumulative total (ie, “60 seconds per day”), rather than admitting the constant pulsing pattern. Critically, these totals do not include the radiation from each wireless “smart” appliance that the grid will require of us in the future, creating a veritable soup of in-home electromagnetic radiation, which has already been classified by the WHO as a “class 2B potential carcinogen”.
- Radiation bursts have been measured at up to 100,000 microwatts/m2 several feet away for one meter – or up to 100 times higher than the “extreme concern” threshold as set by the international Building Biology (Baubiologie) code. And Dr. Daniel Hirsch, nuclear policy expert at UCSC, has shown that if a human is in an adjacent room (within 10 feet of a smart meter) they receive between 50 and 450 times more full-body radiation exposure than from an active cell-phone at the head. Anecdotal evidence includes thousands of reports that a percentage of individuals are having extremely adverse reactions upon the installation of a smart meter. The short-term symptoms often include headaches, nausea, insomnia, rashes, ear-ringing, irritability, fatigue and foggy thinking. The stark concern now indicated by thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers has led groups such as the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the Austrian Medical Association to publicly call the immediate ban of the smart metering program on the sole basis of health damage.
- Most smart meters in BC are not yet actively transmitting. Current research indicates that after being installed, they actively radiate for an estimated 12 to 36 hours, before going in a “dormant” type mode if they do not find an active collector hub. As such, most meters are still being read manually, which means that we still have time to recall the entire smart metering program in BC – but we need to act now.
- In the bigger picture, the basis of the issue is energy and control. Rather than be chained to non-renewable centralized energy, technologies are now available to enable a global transition to de-centralized renewable energy. As a leading solar expert states in our upcoming film: “The entire world’s energy needs can be supplied by distributed solar photo-voltaic panels, using a combined surface area the size of Utah.” But, the political will to change must be present, and historically it has not been so. Former US Patent Examiner Tom Malone testified that the number of seized patents is “closer to 4000 or more”, and that “a hidden purpose of this committee is to also screen energy-related patents which could also threaten the power and fossil fuel companies.” Has the main reason for this techno-censorship been because it would interfere with the planned smart grid deployment?
This transition, required of us if human civilization is to continue, all starts with the individual decision to not allow a smart meter installation on your home or business. You do have this option, and BC Hydro has stated repeatedly, “We will not force you to have a smart meter”. However, they have also failed to inform anyone that they have a choice. So far, an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 British Columbians have on their own accord notified Hydro of their non-consent (though Hydro’s public figures may still be lower), and installation has been delayed for most.
The smart meter issue will continue to gain more and more prominence in BC and globally, as more and more people understand the significance. This is about a corporate agenda that would affect virtually all aspects of our lives, and remove so many of the rights and freedoms we have enjoyed as a democratic society – while offer no benefit whatsoever in return.
All citizens are encouraged to become aware and participate in this movement by taking 5 minutes to mail Hydro their letter of non-consent. Templates are available at http://ThePowerFilm.org/taking-action or http://CitizensForSafeTechnology.org. If a smart meter has already been forced on you without your consent, you can demand to have it removed and replaced.
In addition, as debate is now beginning to heat up in the BC Legislative Assembly, contact all MLA’s to inject them with truth, and share relevant information with friends, neighbours and colleagues. Because of mounting public pressure, already we’re seeing many regional governments now offering free “opt-out” options, and according to industry polls the smart grid is becoming less and less popular.
Together, we’re literally re-shaping our future by making individual decisions to take a stand and get involved. I invite all readers to subscribe on our website www.ThePowerFilm.org to smart meter updates and release news for our film Take Back Your Power, being released online later this spring.
Vancouver’s Josh del Sol is producing the upcoming film, Take Back Your Power. The trailer and dozens of resources can be viewed at www.ThePowerFilm.org.
Tags: awakening, common ground, consciousness, current events, elite, smart meters, technocracy