The Big Pitcher: Streaming Consciousness

The personal blog of Josh del Sol

View all posts with videos. Posts related to smart meters and technocracy. Posts related to social awakening and human sovereignty. Posts related to spirituality. Contact.

Site closed… for now!

January 10, 2014 at 12:25 am · by josh · Filed under All Videos & Movies, Chemtrails, Health: General, Health: Vaccinations, Music, Sacred Geometry, Science: Astrology, Science: Free energy, Science: Metaphysics, Smart Meters & Technocracy, Social Awakening & Sovereignty, Spirituality, Videos: Chemtrails, Videos: Consciousness, Videos: Health, Videos: Smart Meters, Videos: Social Awakening, Videos: Vaccinations, Videos: {Other}

Thank you to everyone who has supported my research and musings! This blog is on hold until further notice, as my professional time and energy is being entirely occupied by the Take Back Your Power project. You’re invited to come, subscribe to my updates there, and join the ground crew… you are needed!

Josh del Sol
Producer & director,
Take Back Your Power: Investigating the “Smart” Grid

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solfeggio sounds - sacred healing frequencies
home - the big pitcher