Consciousness: The Chemtrail Phenomenon – A New Perspective
“One interesting thing is, that there is more contact now between our planet and other galaxies. If you look into this subject, you will find an enormous store never before published or disclosed which governments of the world are privy to. There are plans to corrupt the atmosphere, so that these communications can be halted. Planetary communications which come without words, but with great influx of energies, all directed toward the healing of this planet.”
– Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe (1921-2008), bringer of the agnihotra healing fire to the West
Chemtrails Are: Persistent lines of chemical-infused aerosol spray dispersals from typically unmarked planes which are now seen in the sky all over the world. Unlike normal jet contrails formed from water vapor, chemtrails spread to form a thick blanket of cloud cover, held together by polymer fibers until they reach the ground, contaminating crops, water supplies and humans with radioactive soft metals and dessicated red blood cells which contain active human pathogens.
People across the world are noticing planes crossing back and forth in the sky leaving in their wake a trail of vapor that does not evaporate. These are not your normal commercial airlines following a preordained path from city to city. The mysterious unmarked planes leave smoke-like trails behind them that spread until by the afternoon they have blossomed and grown until the skies have become overcast. Officials from the Air Traffic Control the EPA and the Air Force will not respond to questions regarding this phenomenon.
Danger In The Sky – The Chemtrail Phenomenon -
“It didn’t start until about 1996. Growing up, my whole life the condensations trails would be 20 seconds, a minute, two minutes. And now, in the summer at like 4,000 feet and there’s these big clouds behind jets. Some jets leave a big cloud behind them, other jets the flight level don’t. Instead of getting into ‘are they spraying us’ or ‘what’s changing in the jet fuel’ or ‘what’s changing in the atmosphere’… there are tens of thousands of declassified admissions, under different programs, where different agencies of government have tested chemical, biological and radiological agents on the [American] people.”
What mainstream media and governments are starting to admit will be surprising to some:
- Guardian (UK) – German meteorologist states illegal weather-modification chemtrails are real, files UN-sanctioned lawsuit against Germany military
- The New York Times – The Worry: Germ Warfare. The Target: Us.
- Reuters – Russia admits regular use of atmospheric-altering operations over its cities
- Associated Press – Obama looks at climate engineering (for the 1st time publicly)
“Many of these planes that we’re seeing will actually turn whatever they’re spraying on and off before our eyes. I mean, you’ll see a plane up there flying like normal, and then all of the sudden it starts spraying. We’ve seen them fly off into the distance, loop around and fly back again… Someone needs to explain to me why do they stop traveling in one particular direction then loop around and come back again. They perform this behaviour so many times that we start seeing the tic-tac-toe grids in the sky… When you and I grew up, these contrails naturally dissipated in a few seconds or a minute max – but these things grow bigger, and before you know it the whole sky is overcast.”
The idea that the chemtrail program is to save the planet from “global warming” is absurd, especially when one considers higher population density = more spraying activity.
“The excuse for this is: #1 weather modification; #2 to save us from global warming; and #3 to save us from the terrorists…. Many of these operations, and the patents, go on to explain that if there’s a biological attack by terrorists at some point, that these exercises and practices will save us… The problem with that is, the ‘terrorists’ don’t have the means to deliver this, they don’t have the access to deliver this over the American populace per se. And the only people who have been doing this, that is biological experiments on the people, is the military themselves. This has been admitted from everything from Operation Shad to the spraying that happened in San Francisco in the 60′s and 70′s that literally killed people.”
“We’re talking about dominating our air supply without the human consent, in a way that is difficult for many of us to conceive, and certainly many of us refuse to accept it even in the light of sufficient and overwhelming evidence.”
With enough research and a large enough scope, it seems to emerge that the purpose of this giant ‘chemtrail’ program is an attempt to prevent advancement of human consciousness. Just like water fluoridation, msg & aspartame proliferation, media control, education system control, economic enslavement policies, fear campaigns, political fakery, etc. Our collective ‘box’ we’ve been in for so long is opening, and they are trying like crazy to keep it shut. Check out this video from vedic Master Shree Vasant, the one who brought the healing fires of agnihotra to the world:
(19/24) The Golden Messages of Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe -
Master Shree:
“One interesting thing is, that there is more contact now between our planet and other galaxies. If you look into this subject, you will find an enormous store never before published or disclosed which governments of the world are privy to. There are plans to corrupt the atmosphere, so that these communications can be halted. Planetary communications which come without words, but with great influx of energies, all directed toward the healing of this planet.
“The ones at the top have a vested interest in silencing those who know something. And there are many top scientists who are far more aware of this top-secret information than who dare to admit. There are ones unafraid to speak out, but, their knowledge is so unusual and so uncommon that the general public will not believe them. So this knowledge remains with them, save for those who dare to publicize their findings and personal experience as well, via written word and internet now.”
On a practical level, what can we do? Of vital importance is to prioritize your own development at this time. In combination with mental and spiritual work, there are various ways to transmute chemtrails (see below). Take care of your energy and your body – it is your temple. And, get vocal. Spread the word to others in your immediate sphere. Let us flip the defensive- or victim-mentality and peacefully go on the offensive. People are waking up, and you’ll be surprised how many are more receptive than ever, to such conversation.
Transmuting chemtrails:
- Agnihotra (homa therapy) healing fires also: here
Tags: agnihotra, awakening, Chemtrails, consciousness, conspiracy, current events, elite, spiritual