Smart Meters: A very comprehensive anti-smart meter paper from Australia
This comprehensive paper is from concerned citizens in Australia, September of 2011.
View PDF: comprehensive anti smart meter paper from Australia – Sept 2011
Are we starting to get a picture of how there are multi-national corporations behind the planning and implementation of the “smart meters”? How this is all interconnected??
What the corporate oligarchy want:
For you to be connected to their power grid, their soulless values and their harmful EMF mesh.
What the corporate oligarchy do not want:
For you to be connected to your Source, and act in truth from this connection.
Which will you choose?
Things happen when people like you and me speak up for what is right. Case in point:
PG&E Begins Removing ‘Smart’ Meters Due to Health Effects
Real change happens (in the) Now. Let’s go.
Tags: australia, awakening, bc, bc hydro, consciousness, current events, emf, emr, health, pg&e, smart meters, technocracy