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Video: David Sereda & William Henry – Changes in the Sun Will Change Us, Too

May 20, 2011 at 3:27 pm · by josh · Filed under All Videos & Movies, Health: General, Science: Metaphysics, Social Awakening & Sovereignty, Spirituality, Videos: Consciousness, Videos: Social Awakening

For several years I’ve been really feeling that the changes in the Sun are directly linked to the evolution of consciousness at this time.  Over the past couple of decades, a huge amount of evidence has been amassed to do with linking the Sun’s activity and human consciousness.

The below youtube interview with David Sereda and William Henry dives into the background info of these grand changes, with some amazing details of recent research.

In another interview (here), David also mentions how listening to the sounds of our Sun has now been scientifically shown to greatly expand the heart chakra.

[Relevant links on hearing the sounds of the Sun:
1. Stanford University’s “Singing Sun” MP3 archive
2. The Sound of the Sun (mp3) from David Sereda’s website
3. This blog on 528 Hz and the sounds of the sun]


David Sereda & William Henry – Changes in the Sun Will Change Us, Too

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