A healing visualization for the Gulf oil spill
From Dr. Joe / Carroll Wright:
Here’s where Neville teaches us to be vivid in imagination instead of being passively unimaginative.
In this instance of the Gulf, let’s head off the fears by changing the atmosphere. For all who willingly work on images of the situation which have fallen into your being, remember you are a Light Being.
Move into the energy of love and radiate light at 500 watts.
Feel the light radiating the images in the Gulf of Mexico, filling and saturating the entire area with Love Energy.
Remember that each thought of Love Energy dissipates 750,000 thoughts of fear around the incident.
Radiate Love and Peace Energy until you feel the job is done in your invisible present and let the joy of accomplishment come over you.
Your reaction of peace assures the fears are neutralized in the area – in the visible portion of the world.
Thank You for your willingness to join your intention with the greater solution!
Tags: awakening, current events, intention, love, spiritual, visualization