Video: Take Back Your Power [original trailer]
After two months in development, and logging over 25 interviews, I’m very glad to release our trailer / short film, Take Back Your Power (originally entitled Stop Smart Meters: The Film). I felt compelled to initiate this project because BC citizens are not being told the truth about this issue. Not by the media, and certainly not by the rogue BC government.
The trailer is 6 minutes in duration and lays out all of the major issues with the “smart meter” program… and why we need to take advantage of this opportunity to rise up and take back our power. The trailer is designed to be shared with everyone, as a mind-opener. I want to thank Ronnie Novak for his excellent videography, and our editor Jocelyne Chaput for her wonderful editing work.
Watch the 6-minute trailer here:
As this was to be a crowd-funded project from the get-go, we now ask for your funding contributions (with a huge amount of gratitude!). We need to raise $7,500 to help cover the considerable expenses so far AND the completion of the feature-length film. Every amount helps, no matter how larger or small, toward our mission of banning smart meters across BC. With the importance of the human rights issues at stake, we’ve felt compelled to put days and weeks into the mission of this film. If you find value in it, please take a moment to make your secure contribution here:
There is much indication that we’re starting to win the public opinion battle in the smart meter arena. Real change ALWAYS starts with a shift in awareness. BC citizens everywhere are pissed off, and this film can reach the mainstream with the necessary encouragement and solutions for their homes, communities and together as a province. Instead of working on full-time paying jobs, we’ve been called toward this mission. Please donate what you can – with our deep gratitude.
And, let’s make it go viral! Share it with your email contacts, Facebook, Twitter… share the IndieGoGo page… or any other way you feel inspired.
All I have left to give at this time is a sincere Thank You.
-Josh del Sol
Tags: bc, film, government, hydro, smart meters, stop, technocracy